A forever home would make a world of difference for them

See photos and find out more about our rescues that are available for adoption.


Adopt a horse

We’re looking for horse loving individuals that can offer our rescues a life-long home free from the abuse, starvation, and misery of their former life. 



Our ability to help these horses is only because of the generous donations from our followers. Thank you!  








In the United States countless unwanted, abandoned, and sick horses end up in kill-pens (holding areas for horses until they’re shipped to slaughter in Mexico).  Sometimes, horses in kill-pens are perfectly healthy, but often, they are sick and just need a little medical attention to start their road to recovery. Sadly, these horses face a grim end, enduring abuse and starvation along the way before being cruelly killed.
Our mission is save these horses from slaughter, provide them with medical care and rehabilitation, and find them a forever home with horse loving individuals to care for them . We are able to do this with support given from our Border Horse friends.

“Perfect little Oakley. The miniature horse that I scrolled past on Bowie’s feed and thought he’s so cute someone will scoop him up in a minute. Four or five days later I found him closer to the bottom of the feed, which we all know means they are nearing their ride to the slaughter house. I thought why is he still on there? So I clicked his video and watched, I saw David pick up all his feet, I watched him be lead around easy as pie, I watched him more or less hug David because he is that sweet! Then David switched the camera view to the other side of his face, where there is a sunken blind eye. Nobody saved him because of a flimsy eye socket. I had no funds because we had just saved our pony. Everyone told me “wait it out, he would be fine, I couldn’t bring home another horse”. Well, he didn’t have time for that, so I wrote Kendra told her how much I had towards his bail and she started a fundraiser. Strangers saved this little angel’s life, and I just wish I could hug every single one of you. HIs Eye is blind and sunk in, we have to clean the gunk out every day, but you know what there isn’t a sweeter more deserving soul on the planet than this little horse. He is a stud and doesn’t so much as yell. He spends his days sitting on my dad’s back porch with my toddler or going on walks down to the creek with the dogs. I never knew that a miniature horse is really just a dog with hooves. Seriously they are so fun! In springtime, Oakley will start visiting nursing homes to brighten other’s lives the way he has brightened ours. Thank you Kendra for not giving up on these animals. You are making the world a better place.”

talla t.

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